Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Home Insurance - Our last newsletter talked about wood roofs being a problem for new business going forward as well as some of our carriers increasing their minimum deductibles. This won't change anytime soon. The good...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
To protect a small business from potential lawsuits, liability insurance is necessary. Policies vary greatly, and they cover different classifications of risks for varying costs. Before shopping for a policy, it is...
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Builders and contractors who buy commercial general liability coverage policies with the impression that they will keep them safe from allegations of inadequate or faulty work must beware of their policies. It's...
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
It's a night full of treats for both kids and adults in Overland Park. But a number of factors - including lots of people walking in the dark, the threat of wet and stormy weather, strangers coming to your door - mean...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Summer has ended, but there's no need to fret: Fall brings with it crisp, cool days, wonderful colors - and football season! It also brings with it a few maintenance tasks that Blue Valley Insurance recommends to help...
Blue Valley Insurance Agency is an independent insurance agency located in Overland Park, Kansas.
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