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Blue Valley Insurance Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

School is in and SPEED LIMITS are down!

Finally!  A well deserved break for parents.  The kids are back in school and you get your house back.  You can start to catch up on all those errands that you wouldn't have otherwise drug the kids to.  How fun is Hobby Lobby with an 11 year old BEGGING to go home?  

As you drive around town unencumbered, don't forget the changes to the road rules.  Speed Zones are in full affect around schools.  They stay on even after the drop off lines have dissappeared, and are sometimes out of site from the school (I'm looking at you 129th and Switzer.)  

School Buses also demand our attention.  If you're in need of an old school PSA check out the following for school bus safety:

The fines are EXPENSIVE making it harder to double-and-forget.  Keep an eye out for those flashing yellow lights.  Your insurance rates will certainly appreciate it!


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